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- Startseite - Orgeln - Irland - Limerick - St. Mary's Cathedral

Die Orgel in der St. Mary's Cathedral Limerick (Irland)


ursprüngliches Instrument: Telford 1833
Umbau: 1913 E. H. Lawton, Aberdeen
Neubau, unter Nutzung der vorhandenen Materialien: 1968 W. F. Grinstead, Kilkenny

Great Swell (enclosed) Choir (enclosed) Solo Pedal
Double open diapason 16' Lieblich bourdon 16' Quintaton 16' Violoncello 8' Acoustic bass (derived) 32'
Open diapason I 8' Open diapason 8' Open diapason 8' Tibia 8' Open diapason (wood) 16'
Open diapason II 8' Lieblich gedackt 8' Rohr flute 8' Concert flute 4' Open diapason (metal) 16'
Open diapason III 8' Viol d'orchestre 8' Aeoline 8' Fourniture V Violone 16'
Stopped diapason 8' Viol d'amour 8' Unda maris 8' Orchestral oboe 8' Bourdon 16'
Hohl flöte 8' Voix celeste 8' Principal 8' Tremulant Echo bourdon 16'
Dulciana 8' Gemshorn 4' Nason flute 4' Contra tuba 16' Bass flute 8'
Octave diapason 4' Lieblich flute 4' Nazard 2 2/3' Tuba mirabilis 8' (not enclosed) Principal 8'
Principal 4' Flagelot 2' Piccolo 2' Tuba clarion 4' (not enclosed) Super octave 4'
Stopped flute 4' Scharff III Tierce 1 3/5'   Octave flute 4'
Twelfth 2 2/3' Contra fagotto 16' Sifflöte 1'   Octavin 2'
Fifteenth 2' Cornopean 8' Cymbale III   Mixture III
Sesquialtera IV Oboe 8' Krummhorn 8'   Ophicleide 16'
Harmonic trumpet 8 Clarion 4' Tremulant   Trombone 61'
Tremulant Clarion 8'
      Schalmei 4'

swell to great; choir to great; solo to great; swell octave to great; swell octave; swell sub octave; swell unison off; solo to swell; solo to choir; swell to choir; swell to pedal; great to pedal; choir to pedal; solo to pedal

6 double-touch thumb pistons to great and pedal
6 double-touch thumb pistons to swell and pedal
6 double-touch thumb pistons to choir and pedal
6 double-touch thumb pistons to solo and pedal
1 reversing piston operating great to pedal coupler
1 reversing piston operating swell to great coupler
1 reversing piston operating choir to great coupler
1 reversing piston operating solo to great coupler
1 reversing piston operating swell to choir coupler
1 reversing piston operating swell to pedal coupler
1 general cancel piston
12 general combinations

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Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von Hans Adler und Roland Eberlein (Welt-Orgel-Archiv)
Bilder: Wikipedia (public domain)
weiterführende Links:

Webseite der Limerick Cathedral