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Die Orgel der Paisley Abbey


Cavaillé-Coll 1874
Hill, Norman and Beard 1928
Walker 1968
Restauriert von Harrison & Harrison 2009

Great Organ Swell Organ Positive Organ Bombarde Organ Pedal Organ
Tremulant Tremulant Tremulant Clarion 4 Tremulant
*Trumpet 8 *Clarion 4 Cremona 8 Trumpet 8 Shawm 4
*Bassoon 16 *Trumpet 8 Mixture IV *Bombarde 16 Clarion 4
Cornet (middle c) IV *Voix Humaine 8 Sesquialtera II Cornet (tenor g) V Trumpet 8
Mixture IV-VI Hautboy 8 Larigot 11/3 Plein Jeu VI Bassoon 16

Blockflute 2

Corno di Bassetto 16 Wald Flute 2 Quartane II Bombarde 16
*Octave 2 Cimbel III

Doublette 2

Prestant 4 Contre Bombarde (2009) 32
Quint 22/3 Plein Jeu IV-VI Nazard 22/3 *Harmonic Flute 8 Mixture VI
Stopped Flute 4 Tierce 13/5 Chimney Flute 4 Octave 8 Open Flute 2
*Prestant 4 Gemshorn 2 *Principal 4 Principal 16 Choral Bass 4
*Bourdon 8 Nazard 22/3 *Bourdon 8
Gedackt 8
Spitzflute 8 *Flute Octave 4 *Traverse Flute 8   Octave 8
*Montre 8 Principal 4 *Salicional 8   Salicional 16
*Bourdon 16 Chimney Flute 8 Unda Maris (tenor c) 8   *Sub Bass 16
  *Gambe 8     Principal (Principal Bombarde Organ) 16
  *Celeste (tenor c) 8     *Contrebasse 16
    Contrebasse (from Contrebasse 16) 32

* Cavaille-Coll pipework

Bombarde to Swell
Bombarde to Positive
Bombarde to Great
Swell to Great
Positive to Great
Swell to Positive
Swell to Pedal
Great to Pedal
Positive to Pedal
Bombarde to Pedal
Great & Pedal combinations coupled
Generals on swell toe pistons

The manual compass is 61 notes; the pedal 32 notes. The actions are electro-pneumatic

Eight general pistons and general cancel
Eight toe pistons to the Pedal Organ
Eight pistons to the Positive Organ
Eight pistons to the Great Organ
Eight pistons to the Swell Organ
(duplicated by toe pistons)
Eight pistons to the Bombarde Organ
Reversible pistons: 32-41
Reversible toe piston: 39
64 general and 16 divisional memory levels
Stepper, operating general pistons in sequence
Independent sequencer
Balanced expression pedal to the Swell Organ
66 Unda Maris (tenor c) 8
*79 Bourdon 16

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Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von George McPhee
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